Scholarly Books
Charles Bazerman, Arthur Applebee, Virginia Berninger, Deborah Brandt, Steve Graham, Jill V. Jeffery, Paul Kei Matsuda, Sandra Murphy, Deborah Wells Rowe, Mary Schleppegrell and Kristen Campbell Wilcox. Jointly written chapters, with individual chapters. Lifespan Development of Writing Abilities. NCTE Press. 2018.
C. Bazerman with chapter commentaries by Daniel Hernández Espíndola, Moisés Perales Escudero, René Ponce Carrillo, Daniel Rodríguez-Vergara, Andrea Vázquez Ahumada. Escritura y Desarollo Cognitivo en un Mundo Intertextual: Dialogos con la Obra de Charles Bazerman. Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 2016. (Full Text PDF)
A Rhetoric of Literate Action. (Full Text PDF) WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. 2014. Translated in Portuguese: Retórica da ação letrada. Sao Paulo: Parabola, 2015.
Theory of Literate Action. (Full Text PDF) WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. 2014. Translated in Portuguese: Teoria da ação letrada. Sao Paulo: Parabola, 2015.
Generos textuales, Tipificacion y Actividad . Translated Kora Basich Peralta Moises Perales Escudero Blanca Adriana Téllez Méndez Andrea Vázquez Ahumada. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2012.(Full Text PDF)
Gêneros Textuais, Intertextualidade, e Atividade: Teórico Consideração. Selected essays on genre translated into Portuguese and edited by Angela Paiva Dionisio and Judith Hoffnagel. São Paolo: Cortez, (2007).
Gêneros, Agencia e Escrita. Selected essays on genre translated into Portuguese and edited by Angela Paiva Dionisio and Judith Hoffnagel. São Paolo: Saraiva, (2006).
Gêneros Textuais, Tipificação e Interação. Selected essays on genre translated into Portuguese and edited by Angela Paiva Dionisio and Judith Hoffnagel. São Paolo: Cortez, (2005).
Charles Bazerman, Joseph Little, Teri Chavkin, Danielle Fouquette, Lisa Bethel, and Janet Garufis.Reference Guide Writing Across the Curriculum. (2004). (Full Text PDF) Translated in Spanish as Escribir a través del Currículum. Una guía de referencia. (Full Text PDF) CÓRDOBA, Argentina, 2016. traducción Laura Ferreyra.
The Languages of Edison's Light (1999).
Constructing Experience (1994). Southern Illinois University Press. (Table of contents, frontmatter, and section introductions here. See Chapters page for items not published separately)
Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science (1988). (full text PDF)
Writing Skills Handbook (2003).
Reading Skills Handbook (2000).
Basic Reading Skills Handbook (2000).
All of Us: Cross -Cultural Reading Skills Handbook (1999). Front Matter
Involved: Writing for College, Writing for Your Self (1997). (full text PDF)
English Skills Handbook (1997)
Reading College Textbooks: A Skills Handbook (1997)
Side by Side: A Multi-Cultural Anthology (1996). Front Matter
The Informed Writer: Using Sources in the Disciplines (1995). (full text PDF)
The Informed Reader: Contemporary Issues in the Disciplines (1989).
Edited Books and Special Issues
C. Bazerman, B Gonzalez et al (eds). Conocer la escritura; Knowing Writing: Writing Reserch Across Borders. (Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, and WAC Clearinghouse. 2019.
C. Bazerman (Ed.) (2018). Writing Development Across the Lifespan, Special Issue of Writing and Pedagogy.
Special Issue on Writing in Latin American Higher Education. Co-edited with Maria Moritz. Ilha do Desterro. 2016.
Recherches en écriture : regards pluriels /Writing Research from Multiple Perspectives, Eds. S. Plane, C. Bazerman, P. Carlino, F. Rondelli, C. Boré, C.Donahue, Catherine Boré, M. M.Larruy, P. Rogers, D. Russell. co-published by the University of Metz and the WAC Clearinghouse. 2016.
International Advances in Writing Research: Cultures, Places, Measures (Edited by Charles Bazerman, Chris Dean, Jessica Early, Karen Lunsford, Suzie Null, Paul Rogers, and Amanda Stansell). Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse, 2012.
Revista Brasileira de Linguistica Aplicada 10:2 , special issue on Genre (with Marcos Baltar) (2010). Introduction
Traditions of Writing Research. Ed. with B. Krut, K. Lunsford, S. McLeod, S. Null, P. Rogers, A. Stansell. Routledge, 2010.
Genre in a Changing World. Ed. with A. Bonini, D. Figueiredo. Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse, 2009.
Writing Education in Brazil. Ed. with A. Bonini, D. Figueiredo. Special issue of L1, 2009. Introduction
Genre and Social Identities. Ed. with D. Figueiredo, A. Bonini. Special issue of Linguistics and the Human Sciences. 3:1, 2007. Introduction
Handbook of Research on Writing: History, Society, School, Individual, Text. Ed. C. Bazerman, Erlbaum, 2007.
What Writing Does and How it Does it. Ed. with P. Prior. Erlbaum, 2004.
Multiple Literacies for the Twenty-First Century. Ed. with B. Huot and B. Stroble. Hampton, 2004.
Writing Selves, Writing Societies. Ed. with D. Russell. Electronic publication at Academic. Writing and Mind, Culture, and Activity, 2003.
The Activity of Writing; The Writing of Activity. Ed. with D. Russell, special issue of Mind, Culture and Activity 4:4. 1997. Preface
Landmark Essays in Writing Across the Curriculum. Ed. with D. Russell. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1994. Introductory Chapters
Textual Dynamics of the Professions. Ed. with J. Paradis. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. (full text PDF)
Series Editor
Reference Guides to Writing and Rhetoric, Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse
Janice Lauer. Invention. 2004.
Charles Bazerman, Joseph Little, Teri Chavkin, Danielle Fouquette, Lisa Bethel, and Janet Garufis. Writing Across the Curriculum. 2005.
Alice Horning and Anne Becker. Revision: History, Theory, and Practice. 2006.
Susan McLeod. Reference Guide to Writing Program Administration. 2007.
Elenore Long. Community Literacy and Rhetoric of Local Publics. 2008.
John Ramage, Michael Callaway, Jennifer Clary-Lemon, and Zachary Waggoner. Argument in Composition. 2009.
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. Genre: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. 2010.
George Otte and Rebecca Williams Mlynarczyk. Basic Writing. 2010.
Alice Horning and Alice Kraemer. Reconnecting Reading and Writing. 2012.
Brian Ray. Style: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. 2015
Rhetoric, Knowledge andSociety Series. Erlbaum.
Phillippe-Joseph Salazar. An African Athens: Rhetoric and the Shaping of Democracy in South Africa. 2002.
Beverly Sauer. Rhetoric Under Uncertainty. 2002.
Linda Flower, Elenore Long, and Lorraine Higgins, Learning to Rival: A Literate Practice for Intercultural Inquiry. 2000.
Ann Blakeslee. Interacting with Audiences: Social and Rhetorical Practice in Ordinary Science. 2000.
Patrick Dias, Anthony Pare, Aviva Freedman, and Peter Medway. Worlds Apart: Working and Writing in Academic and Workplace Contexts. 1999.
Paul Prior. Writing/Disciplinarity: A Sociohistoric Account of Literate Activity in the Academy. 1998.
Joseph Petraglia-Bahri. Reality by Design: The Rhetoric and Technology of Authenticity and Education. 1998.
John Swales. Other Floors, Other Voices: Toward Textography and Beyond. 1998.
Atkinson, Dwight. Scientific Discourse in Sociohistorical Context: The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1675-1975 . 1998.
A.D. Van Nostrand. Fundable Knowledge: The Marketing of Defense Science and Technology. 1997.
Dorothy Winsor. Writing Like an Engineer: A Rhetorical Education. 1996.