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C. Bazerman (forthcoming). Reproduction, Critique, Expression, and Cooperation: The writer’s dance in an intertextual world. Revista de Educaccion a la distancia.

Bazerman (forthcoming). Revisiting the Early Uses of Writing in Society Building: Cuneiform Culture and the Chinese Imperium. Una vuelta a los primeros usos de la escritura en la construcción de la sociedad: la cultura cuneiforme y el imperio chino. Literatura y Linguistica 

C. Bazerman (2021). Emergent learning in the emergency/Aprendizagem emergente na pandemia. Revista Triangulo, 14(1).  

C. Bazerman (2021). The ethical poetry of academic writing. Educação, Sociedade E Culturas, (58), 185–188.

Charles Bazerman. (2020) Always Already in Flux: A Response to Anne Freadman Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie Volume 30, 2020

C. Bazerman (2020). Lives of Writing. Writing & Pedagogy, 10:3, 327-331.

C. Bazerman (2019). A? Developmental? Path? To? Text? Quality? Journal of Literacy Research, 51, 3, 381-387.

V. Fahler & C. Bazerman (2019). Data power in writing: Assigning data analysis in a general education linguistics course to change ideologies of language. Across the Disciplines 16, 4, 4-25.

C. Bazerman (2018). What does a model model? And for whom? Educational Psychologist 53, 4, 301-318.

C. Bazerman (2017). Equity means having full voice in the conversation. Revista Lenguas Modernas 50. University of Chile. 33 - 46
F. Navarro, N. Ávila, M. Ladino, V. Cristovão, M.Moritz, E. Narváez, & C. Bazerman (2016). Panorama histórico y contrastivo de los estudios sobre lectura y escritura en educación superior publicados en América Latina, Revista Signos: Estudios de Linguística, 49, suppl.1, pp.
C. Bazerman, A. Applebee, D. Brandt, V. Berninger, S. Graham, P. Matsuda, S. Murphy, D. Rowe, M. Schleppegrell (2017). Taking the Long View on Writing Development, Research in the Teaching of English, 51, 3, 51-60.  

A. Bork, C. Bazerman, F. Poliseli-Correa, V. Cristovão (2014). Mapeamento das initiativas de leitura e escrita em lingua materna na educacao superior resultados preliminares, Prolingua v. 9, n. 1, 2-14.

M. Tapia-Ladino, N. Avila Reyes, F. Navarro, C. Bazerman (2016). Milestones, Disciplines and the Future of Initiatives of Reading and Writing in Higher Education: An Analysis from Key Scholars in the Field in Latin America. Ilha do Desterro, 69(3), 209-222.

La escritura en el mundo del conocimiento (Spanish), Writing in the World of Knowledge (English).  Verbum (2014) 9(9), 11-21, 23-35

Domain-Specific Cognitive Development through Writing Tasks in a Teacher Education Program. Charles Bazerman, Kelly Simon, Patrick Ewing, and Patrick Pieng. Pragmatics & Cognition, 2013,  21, 3, 530-551.

Sisters and Brothers of the Struggle: Teachers of Writing in their Worlds. College Composition and Communication 65:4 (2014) 646-654.

Comprendiendo de un viaje que dura toda la vida: la evolución de la escritura. Understanding the Lifelong Journey of Writing Development. Revista Infancia y Aprendizaje Journal for the Study of Education and Development. 36:4. 2013. 421-441.

The Orders of Documents, the Orders of Activity, and the Orders of Information. Archival Science,12:4, 2012 pp. 377-388. Also in Nielsen, H. Høyrup, H, and Christensen, H. (Eds.).  Systemer for dokumenter, systemer for aktivitet og systemer for information. Nye Vidensmedier: Kultur,  Læring, Kommunikation. p. 63-78, 2011. 

Writing with Concepts: Communal, Internalized, and Externalized. Mind, Culture and Activity 19:3. 2012. pp. 259-272.

Academic Writing, Genre, and Indexicality: Evidence, Intertext and Theory. Intercompreensao: Revista de Didactica das Linguas. 16. 2012.

Standpoints: The Disciplined Interdisciplinarity of Writing Studies. Research in the Teaching of English. 46 (1), p. 8-21. (2011).

2009 CCC Chair's Address: The Wonder of Writing. CCC Address, San Francisco, CA 12 March (2009). College Composition & Communication. 61 (3), p. 571-580, (2010).

How Does Science Come to Speak in the Courts? Citations, Intertexts, Expert Witnesses, Consequential Facts and Reasoning. Law and Contemporary Problems. 72 (2), p. 91-120, (2009).

Academic Writing Genre, and Indexicality: Evidence, Intertext, and Theory. Intercompreensao: Revista de Didactica das Linguas. 16. 2012.

Scientific Knowledge, Public Knowledge, and Public Policy: Genred Formation and Disruption of Knowledge for Acting about Global Warming. Linguagem em (Dis)Curso 10, 3, 445-463 (2010).

Paying the Rent: Languaging Particularity and Novelty. Revista Brasileira de Lingüistica Applicada, February 2010. Translated as “Pagando o aluguel: particularidade e inovação na produção da linguagem, “ in LETRAMENTOS: rupturas, deslocamentos e repercussões de pesquisas em Linguística Aplicada, edited by Claudia Lemos Vóvio, Luanda Rejane Soares Sito and Paula Baracat De Grande (pp. 163-178). Editora Mercado de Letras. 

The Diversity We Become: Education and Agency in Writing Unique Selves within Evolving Communities. Rev. Triang.: Ens. Pesq. Ext. Uberaba – MG, v.2. n.1, p. 13-29, jan/jun. 2009 Retrieved from: SELL.

Genre and Cognitive Development: Beyond Writing to Learn. Pratiques N, 143/144 (December, 2009).

Theories of the Middle Range in Historical Studies of Writing Practice. Written Communication. 25 (3), p. 298-318, (2008).

Continuing a Dialogue. // ENGLISHChina Journal, 2010 March:38-39.

Students Need Language Support to Write for Academic Publications. UCMexusNews44 (2008): 15-16.

Open-Access Book Publishing in Writing Studies: A case study (co-authored, Charles Bazerman, David Blakesley, Mike Palmquist, & David Russell). First Monday, 13: 1, 2008. 

Without Writing: Not Seen, Not Heard. Santa Barbara Independent. (2007, January 15). Retrieved from: <>. 

La escritura de la organización social y la situación alfabetizada de la cognición: Extendiendo las implicaciones sociales de la escritura de Jack Goody.  Revista Signos Estudios de Linguistica (Valparaiso, Chile). 2008, vol.41, n.68, pp. 355-380

A Response to Anthony Fleury’s “Liberal Education and Communication Against the Disciplines”: A View from the World of Writing. Communication Education. 54 (1), p. 86-91. (2005).

Practically Human: The Pragmatist Project of the Interdisciplinary Journal Psychiatry. Linguistics and the Human Sciences. 1 (1), p. 15-38, (2005).

An Essay on Pedagogy By Mikhail M. Bakhtin and Response. Symposium in Written Communication. 22 (3). p. 333-374, (2005).

What Activity Systems are Literary Genres Part of? Readerly/Writerly Texts. 10, p. 97-106, (2003). also in Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads. 1 (3), (2004).

Student Writing and Writing Education in National Contexts: Continuing a Dialogue. Revista de ABRALIN, 3. (2004): 243-259.

Social Forms as Habitats for Action. Journal of The Interdisciplinary Crossroads. 16 (2), p. 123-142, (2004). also in Portuguese translation as “Formas Socais como Habitats para Ação.” Investigações Lingüística e Teoria Literária 16:2 (2003): 123-142.

The Production of Information for Genred Activity Spaces. (with Joseph Little and Teri Chavkin). Written Communication. 20 (4), p. 455-477, (2003).

Textual Performance: Where the Action at a Distance Is. Journal of Advanced Composition. 23 (2), p. 379-396, (2003).

Statement at the Progressive Caucus. College Composition and Communication. 55 (2), p. 351-354, (2003).

How Students Argue Scientific Claims: A Rhetorical-Semantic Analysis. (G. Kelly, Bazerman). Applied Linguistics. 24, p. 28-55, (2003).

The Diversity of Writing. Quarterly of the National Writing Project. 24 (2), p. 15-18, (2002).

Itext: Future Directions for Research on the Relationship between Information Technology and Writing. (Itext Working Group: Geisler, Bazerman, Doheny-Farina, Gurak, Haas, Johnson-Eilola, Kaufer, Lunsford, Miller, Winsor, Yates). Journal of Business and Technical Communication. 15 (3), p. 269-308, (2001). 

Anxiety in Action: Sullivan's Interpersonal Psychiatry as a Supplement to Vygotskian Psychology. Mind, Culture and Activity. 8 (2), p. 174-186, (2001).

Writing as a Development in Interpersonal Relations. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society. 6 (2), p. 298-302, (2001).

Nuclear Information: One Rhetorical Moment in the Construction of the Information Age. Written Communication. 18 (3), p. 259-295, (2001).

Changing Regularities of Genre. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 42 (1), p. 1-2, (1999).

Green Giving: Engagement, Values, Activism, and Community Life. New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising. 2 (2), p. 7-22, (1998).

Charles Bazerman on John Swales: An Interview with Tony Dudley-Evans. English for Specific Purposes. 17 (1), p. 105-112, (1998).

Review: Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction. Mind, Culture, and Activity. 5 (1), p. 73-75, (1998).

The Rhetoric of Technology. Journal of Business and Technical Communication. 12 (3), p. 381-387, (1998).

Editors' Introduction. with David R. Russell. Mind, Culture and Activity. 4 (4), p. 223, (1997).

Discursively Structured Activities. Mind, Culture and Activity. 4 (4), p. 296-308, (1997).

Concepts in Action: Knowledge as Linguistic Practice. Readerly/Writerly Texts. 4 (2), p. 9-20, (1997).

Book Review: Review Symposium: Cognition in the Wild by E. Hutchins. Mind, Culture, and Activity. 3 (1), p. 51-54. (1996).

Influencing and Being Influenced: Local Acts Across Large Distances. Social Epistemology. 9 (2), p. 189-199, (1995). 

The Publicity Wizard of Menlo Park. Electric Perspectives, November 1993.

Electrifying Words: Edison's Announcement of the Incandescent Light. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 8:1, 1994: 135-147.

Beyond the Composition Ghetto. Literacy Across the Curriculum 8:3, Winter 1993.

Response. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23 (2), p.54-58, (1993).

Forums of Validation and Forms of Knowledge: The Magical Rhetoric of Otto von Guericke's Sulfur Globe. Configurations. 1 (2), p. 201-228, (1993).

Where is the Classroom? English Basics, Winter 1992. Reprinted in Learning and Teaching Genre, ed. Freedman and Medway. Boynton-Cook, 1994.

The Second Stage in Writing Across the Curriculum. College English. 53 (2), p. 209-212. (1991).

Discourse Analysis and Social Construction. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 11, 1990: 77-83.  

Comment and Response. College English 52:3, 1990:  329-330.

What's Interesting? English Basics, Winter 1990. 

What Are We Doing As a Research Community? (Symposium). Rhetoric Review, March 1989.

Rhetoricians on the Rhetoric of Science (Symposium). Science Technology and Human Values, January 1989.

Literate Acts and the Emergent Social Structure of ScienceSocial Epistemology 1:4, 1987:  295-310. 

Physicists Reading Physics: Schema-Laden Purposes and Purpose-Laden Schema. Written Communication 2:1, 1985:  3-23.

Critical Review: Studies of Scientific Writing - E Pluribus Unum? 4S Review. 3 (2), p. 13-20, 1985. 

Modern Evolution of the Experimental Report: Spectroscopic Articles in Physical Review, 1893-1980. Social Studies of Science 14, 1984:  163-96. 

The Writing of Scientific Non-Fiction: Contexts, Choices and ConstraintsPre/Text 5:1, 1984:  39-74.  Reprinted in Ten Years of Pre/Text, ed. Vitanza, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994.  

What Written Knowledge Does: Three Examples of Academic Discourse. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11:3, 1981: 361-88.  Reprinted in Landmark Essays in Writing Across the Curriculum, ed. Bazerman and Russell. Hermagoras Press, 1994;  In Norton Book of Composition Studies, ed. Susan Miller. Norton 2009; In Ethnographic Discourse. Ed. Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont. SAGE Publications, London, `2008

A Relationship Between Reading and Writing: The Conversational Model. College English 41:6, 1980, pp. 656-661. Reprinted in Allyn & Bacon Sourcebook for College Writing Teachers, ed. James MacDonald.  Allyn & Bacon, 1996.   2nd ed., 2000.

Book Review: Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar, Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Sage Library of Social Research. 80, p. 14-20, 1979. 

Time in Play and Film: Macbeth and Throne of Blood. Literature/Film Quarterly 5:4, 1977:  333-38. 

A Student Guide for Messing Up Your First English Paper. College Composition and Communication 27:3, 1976: 296-97.

Statement on the College Board's Test of Standard Written English (for the CUNY Association of Writing Supervisors). College Composition and Communication 27:3, 1976:  287-89.

Reviews Published in The Nation. Eight Reviews Published Between 1972-1974.