Book Reviews and Interviews

Book Reviews

Arthur Applebee and Judith Langer. Writing Instruction That Works: Proven Methods for Middle and High School Classrooms. Pedagogies. forthcoming.

Alan G. Gross, Joseph E. Harmon, Michael Reidy. Communicating Science: The Scientific Article from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. in Isis 95 (2004): 341-342

Euan MacPhail, Evolution of Consciousness in Mind, Culture and Activity 8:4 (2001):315-317.

Geoffrey Nunberg, ed. Future of the Book in Written Language and Literacy, 1:2 (1998): 297-300. 

Bonnie Nardi, ed. Cognition and Context in Mind, Culture and Activity, 5:1 (1998), pp. 73-75

A.J. Soyland. Psychology as Metaphor in Theory & Psychology,  (1997): 140-141.

Edwin Hutchins. Cognition in the Wild in Mind, Culture and Activity, 3:1. January 1996. pp. 51-54.

Dieter Stein. Cooperating with Written Texts in American Anthropologist. 1993.

George Dillon. Contending Rhetorics in Language in Society. Fall 1992.

Linda Flower  et al. Reading to Write in Journal of Advanced Composition, Spring 1992.

Greg Myers. Writing Biology in Society for Literature and Science, Spring 1991.

The Second Stage of Writing Across the Curriculum (multiple Review Essay) in College English. February 1991.

Tony Becher. Academic Tribes and Territories in English for Specific Purposes, Autumn 199O.

H. Collins. Changing Order in Philosophy of the Social Sciences 19:1, 1989, pp. 115-118.

B. Latour and S. Woolgar. Laboratory Life in Society for the Social Studies of Science 5:2, 1980, pp. 14-19.

Fawcett and Sandberg, Grassroots in Causes, 1975, p. 2.

Reviews in The Nation

            "Danger, Fear, and Self-Revulsion," 11/15/75

            "Serving the Larger Design," 3/9/74

            "Victories of Happy Madness," 9/10/73

            "Building the New Jerusalem," 4/23/73

            "A Fine Scheme for Criticism," 2/5/73

            "What They Felt in Place of Joy," 11/27/72

            "Art and the Accidents of Flesh," 11/6/72

            "Toward the End, an Effete Snob," 9/18/72

J. Lievesay, Venetian Phoenix: Paolo Sarpi in Seventeenth Century News, Winter 1974.



TC Camp (2022). The Built Symbolic Environment: Words To Live By. Room 42.

Interview on podcast Pedagogue (2020)

El Group Relif. Entrevista de Charles Bazerman (2020). https://entrevista-de-charles-bazerman-con-el-group-relif-disponible-online

Interview with Charles Bazerman/ Entrevista com Charles Bazerman. In Sweder Souza & Adail Sobral(Eds.), Gêneros, entre o texto e o discurso: Questões Conceituais e Metodológicas. Mercado de Letras, 2016.

Jacob Craig, Matt Davis, Christine Martorana, Josh Mehler, Kendra Mitchell, Anthony N. Ricks, Bret Zawilski, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Against the Rhetoric and Composition Grain: A Microhistorical View. Microhistories of Composition (pp.284-306) edited by Bruce McComiskey. Utah State University press, 2016

Diana Waigandt. The inevitability of teaching writing:  An interview with Charles Bazerman. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2016, 23-38

Literate action, writing and genre studies: Interview with Charles Bazerman, D. Motta-Roth & C. Bazerman. Calidoscópio (2015), Vol. 13, n. 3, p. 452-461.

50 Years of Research on Writing: What Have We Learned? Panel with George Hillocks and Peter Elbow. UCTelevision. YouTube. Posted 31 January, 2008.

A palavra e a chave de tudo. Entrevista. Charles Bazerman. Journal do Commercio. Recife, Brazil. March 1, 2015, C1.

Working Inside and Outside Composition Studies (with Richard Lloyd Jones,  Charles Cooper and Lee O’Dell.) History, Reflection, and Narrative: The Professionalization of Composition, 1963-1983. M. Rosner, B. Boehm and D. Journet, eds. Ablex, 1999. pp. 331-341.

An Interview with Professor Bazerman: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Writing. Kairos, March 1999: 1, 5-8.

Charles Bazerman on John Swales. English for Special Purposes 17:1 (1998): pp. 105-112.

Internalizing the Field: Charles Bazerman on Teaching Writing in Disciplinary Classrooms. Write Away! 3,1 October 1997

An Interview with Charles Bazerman. (T Hugh Crawford and Kary Smout.) Composition Studies 23:1 (1995): 21-36.

‘Writing is Motivated Participation’: An Interview with Charles Bazerman. Writing on the Edge 6:2 (1995): 7-20. Reprinted in J. Boe, D. Masiel, E. Schroeder, and L. Sperber (eds.), Teachers on the Edge: The WOE Interviews, 1989-2017. Routledge, 2017. Pp. 181-193.